Smart metering expansion with Medium Voltage network automation and SCADA integration in the urban area, Bacău county.
Project description: expansion of a smart electricity metering system for 16,197 small domestic and non-domestic consumers in a homogeneous area in the municipality of Bacău.
The project proposes:
-increasing by 16,197 the number of users connected to smart energy networks by installing and connecting to the network 16,197 smart meters;
-reducing the average annual energy consumption from 1,213 Mwh/housing in 2020 to 1,063 in 2028 at the end of the project's sustainability period;
-estimates a contribution to the POIM indicator of a decrease in individual consumption per dwelling of 0.34% at the level of the homogeneous area;
-increasing the quality of electricity distribution services as a result of the rehabilitation, automation and SCADA integration of the medium voltage network.
Services offered:
-performing financial analysis;
-assistance in developing the feasibility study;
-assistance during the evaluation and contracting period of the project, project management during the implementation period;
-support during the durability period.
Total value: 46,066,758.24 RON
Grant value: 37,085,047.18 RON