

The implementation of intelligent distribution in a homogeneous area of mainly domestic electricity consumers, from the rural area of Neamţ county, by installing smart meters and upgrading the 0.4 kV LEA.

Project description: the project consists of making investments in the energy infrastructure for the implementation of an intelligent electricity measurement system in the rural area of Neamţ county, in order to reduce the average consumption of electricity for the final consumer.

The project proposes:

-increasing by at least 11,067 the number of users connected to smart energy networks by installing and connecting to the network at least 11,067 smart meters and 73 concentrators;

-reduction of the average annual electricity consumption per final consumer from 1,306 MWh/year in 2023 (the last year of project implementation) to 1,256MWh/year in 2028 (the last year of the sustainability period);

-contribution to the POIM target of reducing consumption by 0.04%, assuming the maintenance of the target value of the POIM indicator for the last year of the sustainability period;

-re-engineering of the JT/MV distribution network necessary for the implementation of the intelligent distribution system.

Services offered:

-performing financial analysis;

-assistance in developing the feasibility study;

-assistance during the evaluation and contracting period of the project, project management during the implementation period;

-support during the durability period.

Total value : 78,860,830.46 RON

Grant value: 43,267,478.31 RON

Relians 2024
Designed by BeOnline Agency
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