

Implementation of a Smart Electricity Distribution System in a homogeneous area of Rogerius district, loc. Oradea.

Project description: making investments in the energy infrastructure at the level of Rogerius district of Oradea in order to reduce the average consumption of electricity, by implementing systems for the intelligent metering of electricity of homes and modifying the users' behavior.

The project proposes:

-implementation of an intelligent measurement system for 10,769 mainly household consumers in Oradea, Rogerius district, who will be connected to smart grids;

-improving the management of electricity consumption at the level of the targeted dwellings;

-changing the behaviour of users of intelligent metering systems leading to a reduction in the average electricity consumption;

-ensuring electricity billing based on real consumption.

Services offered:

-analyzing the Beneficiary's eligibility and the project idea;

-development of the financing application, including: elaboration of the market analysis and identification of the opportunities existing on the market, economic and financial analysis, identification and development of the project activities, identification and planning of the necessary procurements, risk management plan, communication management plan with the contracting authority and other interested parties, related documents;

-project execution and monitoring: assistance in carrying out procurement procedures, consultancy in monitoring costs, making progress reports / final report, making payment and reimbursement requests, assistance in the management of contracts concluded within the project, monitoring proposed indicators, monitoring compliance with the legal framework.

Total value: 94.499.249,67 RON

Grant value: 60.130.826,54 RON

Relians 2024
Designed by BeOnline Agency
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