

Intelligent energy consumption monitoring system within Antibiotice SA.

Project description: the general objective of the project is "To reduce the specific energy consumption (kgep/1000 euro) at the level of ANTIBIOTICE S.A. on average by 1%, for a period of 5 years after the implementation of the project, as a result of monitoring the consumptions by implementing a smart metering system of the energy consumption".

Services offered:

-development and planning of project activities;

-identifying the persons responsible for carrying out the activities and establishing the specific duties;

-the risk management plan;

-identification and planning of the procurement procedures necessary for the implementation of the project;

-presentation of the project management team, communication management plan with the contracting authority and other interested parties, supporting documents.

Total value: 1.286.158,30 RON

Grant value: 1.080.805,28 RON

Relians 2024
Designed by BeOnline Agency
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