By accessing (hereinafter referred to as the Website), you implicitly and unconditionally accept the general access and use conditions detailed below (hereinafter referred to as the General Conditions) and all the applicable laws.
Intellectual property rights and trademark
The intellectual property rights over the content of the Website are the property of RELIANS CORP SRL. All photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, sound animated sequences, simple sequences, as well as all the works integrated in the Website are the property of RELIANS CORP SRL or of third parties which have authorized RELIANS CORP SRL to use them.
The models and works presented on the Website are protected according to the legal provisions related to copyright and similar rights as well as to the protection of industrial drawings and models.
The reproduction on paper or on electronic media of the Website and of the works and models thereto displayed are authorised on the condition that they are meant only for personal use, excluding their usage for advertising and/ or commercial and/ or information purposes, so that it complies with the legal provisions related to intellectual property.
Except for the aforementioned situation, any partial or full reproduction, presentation, usage or alteration of the different works and models comprised on the Website, irrespective of the means used, without SC RELIANS CORP SRL prior authorisation, is strictly forbidden and it is punished according to the legislation in force.
The reproduction, imitation, use or application of this trademark, without SC RELIANS CORP SRL prior authorisation, is strictly forbidden and it is punished according to the legislation in force.
Information about services
The Website is a general presentation of the services provided by SC RELIANS CORP SRL.
SC RELIANS CORP SRL reserves the right to amend, at any time, the information published on the Website, without prior notification, taking into account the interactive feature of the Website. The amendments do not entail legal liability for SC RELIANS CORP SRL.
Privacy policy
Any personal data provided, willingly, by the user of the Website, will be collected and stored in a data base. By providing this data, the user agrees that SC RELIANS CORP SRL may use it for forwarding commercial offers and advertising. The personal data provided by the user of the Website will not be disclosed to the general public.
Limited liability
The user accesses the Website at his own risk. Not in any case may SC RELIANS CORP SRL be held liable for direct or indirect damage and especially for material prejudices, the loss of data or programs, financial losses due to the access or usage of the Website or any other related sites. The content of the Website is presented under no guarantee of any kind.
The information about services, features and their prices correspond to a definition at the time of their editing or at the time of updating different pages on the Website; they are offered for information purposes only and thus they are not and may not be considered contractual offers for services provided by SC RELIANS CORP SRL. Error and omissions may occur.
Str. Colonel Langa, nr. 17, Parter
Sediul social: Str. Popăuți, nr. 2-4
CIF RO 13572900
Capital social: 1000 RON